Luke's 2nd b-day party

Luke turned 2 last February 26th. Unlike his first birthday, which was rather grand, his 2nd birthday went by with a simple home party graced by a few of our friends. The party was kinda unplanned and we only invited some of our friends two days before the party.

More than the party, we are very happy for our son on his 2nd year. He is growing so fast that sometimes I miss his "younger" days. It was only as if yesterday when I gave birth to him, now he's already running and learning to talk. And he knows how to say NO.

Now that we are going back home, many things will be new to him. New adjustments, new things. He'll have meltdowns for sure, because of all these, but I promise myself to be there by his side to guide him through.

At home in Kameari
Luke's 2nd b-day party
February 2007

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