Playtime with mami

My toddler doesn't get tired of playing, either with his toys, or with me. Sometimes, he laughs at himself probably feeling gratified at how he ably flicks his toys around. In this picture, he's so happy going around me, and trying to reach for the camera. Sometimes, he circles our [small] bed by alternately sitting and crawling, coupled with a big grin on his face. Oh, he's so cute when he grins, and he's so kakagigil (especially when his face is free of red patches).

At this age, his routine is 70% playing, and the rest is a mix of taking a nap/sleeping, bathing and eating. Yesterday, he missed his nap in the morning, and had his 3-hour afternoon nap at almost 5pm. Today, he only took a 1-hour nap at around 1pm, and that's it. He played almost the whole day. If we did not force him to sleep at 8pm, he would probably be playing until now.

Playing is fun, as this is innate with kids like my hyperactive toddler. As a mom, I have to be watchful and careful so as not to overdo it, and sacrifice the much needed time for sleeping.

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